A campus visit will include the new, beautiful Schulze Hall on the downtown Minneapolis campus.
Prospective students invited to full-time UST MBA admissions events
All prospective students are invited to a full-time UST MBA information session or campus visit at the University of St. Thomas College of Business.
An information session provides prospective students with an in-depth look at what it means to be a full-time UST MBA student. Participants will learn more about the curriculum, career services, student life and admissions requirements. Many of the information sessions include lunch, dinner or refreshments and allow prospective students to hear from current students.
A campus visit provides prospective students with an opportunity to gain an inside look into the full-time UST MBA program. A visit might include attending class, meeting with career services or financial aid, and participating in a discussion with current students.
All events, hosted by the full-time MBA program’s Office of Admissions, give prospective students an opportunity to learn more about the personal and career value of an MBA, meet current students and faculty, and tour the full-time MBA campus facilities including Schulze Hall.
The 2005-2006 MBA admissions events schedule is as follows:
Tuesday, Nov. 1
4:30-6:30 p.m.
Info Session
Wednesday, Nov. 9
1:15-5:15 p.m.
Campus Visit
Thursday, Dec. 1
4:30-6:30 p.m.
Info Session
Wednesday, Dec. 7
1:15-5:15 p.m.
Campus Visit
Wednesday, Feb. 1
4:30-6:30 p.m.
Info Session
Wednesday, March 1
Info Session
Saturday, April 1
10:30 a.m.-12:30p.m.
Info Session
Monday, May 1
4:30-6:30 p.m.
Info Session
Thursday, June 1
4:30-6:30 p.m.
Info Session
To R.S.V.P., please call (651) 962-8800 or e-mail ustmba@stthomas.edu.
Complimentary parking is available in Minneapolis at the 11th Street and Harmon Place ramp. Street addresses and directions for the Minneapolis and St. Paul campuses can be found www.stthomas.edu/campusmaps/.