Public Safety would like to alert the University of St. Thomas community of a burglary that occurred near campus.
UPDATED Tuesday, July 2:
At 12:10 p.m. Friday, June 28, a UST student reported her residence was burglarized. The student had been out for the morning and returned at approximately 12:00 PM. She reported her residence as secured. Upon entering her residence, she went to her room. As she attempted to enter her room, her bedroom door was slammed shut from inside. The student fled the house and ran to Anderson Student Center and contacted Public Safety and the St. Paul Police Department.
SPPD arrived a short time later and cleared the house. While investigating the incident, SPPD determined the screen for a basement window had been cut and the window forcibly opened. The student later determined that several pieces of personal property had been stolen.
While there are no known suspects in this incident, the student reported seeing a “pale colored palm” slam her bedroom door shut.
Anyone with information regarding this crime is urged to call Public Safety at (651) 962-5100 or the St. Paul Police Department at (651) 291-1111.
For more information, see Public Safety’s updated July 1 Alert. Other recent alerts, advisories and bulletins, as well as crime prevention and safety tips, also are posted on the St. Thomas Public Safety website.