Here is a list of some of the professional achievements ofthe College of Arts and Sciences faculty and students.
Matthew Batt (English) received a $25,000 Literature Fellowship from the National Endowment for the Arts. Batt's individual artist grant in creative nonfiction is one of only 42 awarded nationally.
Tonia Bock (Psychology), Nicole Arola '10, Katie Deutsch '10, R. Glover and R. Garmon, "College Students' Perceptions of Moral Qualities in a College-Age Television Show: Differences and Predictors," Association for Moral Education, Utrecht, The Netherlands, July 2009.
John Boyle (Theology and Catholic Studies), "St. Thomas Aquinas on the Anointing of the Sick (Extreme Unction)," in Rediscovering Aquinas and the Sacraments: Studies in Sacramental Theology (Chicago: Hillenbrand Books, 2009, 76-84).
Corrine Carvalho (Theology), "Putting the Mother Back in the Center: Metaphor and Multivalence in Ezekiel 19," in Thus Says the Lord: Essays on the Former and Latter Prophets in Honor of Robert R. Wilson (T & T Clark International, 2009).
Vanessa Cornett-Murtada (Music), "Music and the Brain: Psychology, Neuroscience, and Optimal Experience," World Piano Conference, Novi Sad, Serbia, May 2009.
Massimo Faggioli (Theology), "Die kulturelle und politische Relevanz des II. Vatikanischen Konzils als konstitutiver Faktor der Interpretation," ("The Cultural and Political Relevance of Council Vatican II as a Constitutive Factor of Interpretation"), in Exkommunikation oder Kommunikation? Der Weg der Kirche nach dem II. Vatikanum und die Pius-Brüder, (Excommunication or Communication? The Way of the Church after Vatican II and the Lefebvrians), (Series "Quaestiones Disputatae," 236, Hrsg. Peter Hünermann, Herder: Freiburg i.B., 2009, 153-174).
Sarah Hansen '11, a research student in the lab of Dr. J. Thomas Ippoliti (Chemistry), received a summer internship with Eli Lilly in its Discovery Research division in Indianapolis. Hansen was one of six students chosen nationwide for this highly competitive position.
Monica Hartmann (Economics) and Beth Freeborn, "Racial Disparities in Federal Sentencing: A New Approach," Southern Economics Association meetings, San Antonio, Texas, November 2009.
Thomas Hickson (Geology), Melissa Lamb (Geology), Jillian Schleicher '11 and Lindsey Lee '11, "Extensional Tectonic and Climatic Signals in Miocene-Age Fossil Lakes of the Lake Mead (Nevada) Region: New Isotopic Data from the Horse Spring Formation," Geological Society of America Annual Meeting, Portland, Oregon, October 2009.
Steven Hoffman (Political Science), Renee Buhr (Political Science) and Victor Shadurski (Belarusian State University), "Post-Soviet Nationalism and an Emergent Russia: The Case of Belarus," International Studies Association, Midwest-Central Slavic Conference, November 2009.
Ann Johnson (Psychology), "Women in the History of Psychology: The 'Classic History' and What We Can Learn From It," The Association for Psychological Science, San Francisco, California, May 2009.
Shersten Johnson (Music), "The Intellectual and Inspiration: Sounds of Sense and Sensuality in Aschenbach's Venice," International Journal of Arts in Society, Vol. 4,No. 2.
Dr. Matthew Kim (Economics), "Charitable Giving and Volunteering in Retirement," Southern Economics Association meetings, San Antonio, Texas, November 2009.
Anne Klejment (History), "The Spirituality of Dorothy Day's Pacifism," U.S. Catholic Historian, spring 2009, 1-24.
Stephen Laumakis (Philosophy) and Greg Robinson-Riegler (Psychology), "The Philosophy and Psychology of 'Contemplative Science': The Problems and Possibilities for an Emerging East-West Connection," in East-West Connections: Review of Asian Studies, 9 (1), 28-43.
Steven Maloney (Political Science) and Sybil Dunlop, "Justice is Hard, Let's Go Shopping!: Trading Justice for Efficiency in the New Aggregate Settlement Regime," in St. John's University (N.Y.) Law Review, Vol. 83.2, spring 2010.
Christine Manning, Elise Amel and Britain Scott (all from Psychology) and Jacob Forsman '10, "Framing Climate Change Solutions: The Importance of Getting the Numbers Right," in International Journal of Climate Change Strategies and Management, 1 (4), 326-339.
Roxanne Meshar (Theology), The Political Nature of Doctrine: Which Interpretation? Who Benefits? Who Decides? (Inner Pacific Publications, 2008) and God is Not Zeus! Reclaim Your Christianity for a More Humane World (Inner Pacific Publications, 2009).
Nathaniel Minor '10 and project collaborator Susan Smith-Cunnien (Sociology and Criminal Justice), "Mali Seed Potato Project," American Sociological Association, San Francisco, California, August 2009.
Mark Neuzil (Communication and Journalism), "Exposure Science: Why Isn't It News?" panel discussion, International Society of Exposure Science's annual conference, Minneapolis, Minnesota, November 4, 2009.
Terence Nichols (Theology), "Radical Life Extension: Implications for Roman Catholicism" in Religion and the Implications of Radical Life Extension, edited by Derek F. Maher and Calvin Mercer (Palgrave Macmillan, 2009).
Roxanne Prichard (Psychology) and Brian Reider '08, "Sleep Patterns and Predictors of Disturbed Sleep in a Large Population of College Students," Journal of Adolescent Health, February 2010.
Eric Rawdon (Mathematics), Davide Demurtas, Arnaud Amzallag, John H. Maddocks, Jacques Dubochet and Andrzej Stasiak, "Bending Modes of DNA Directly Addressed by Cryo-Electron Microscopy of DNA Minicircles," Nucleic Acids Research, May 2009.
Mary Reichardt (Catholic Studies), keynote address on contemporary Catholic literature, Catholicism and Public Culture conference, Dublin, Ireland, June 17-19, 2009.
Julia Risser (Art History and American Museum of Asmat Art at UST) received a $6,000 grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities for her project, "Climate Monitoring and Climate Improvement for Short-Term and Long-Term Preservation Needs."
Paul Schons (Modern and Classical Languages), "Nietzsche's Zarathustra and the Last Pope," Rocky Mountain Modern Language Association, Salt Lake City, Utah, October 8-10.
Heather Shirey (Art History), "Transforming the Orixás: Candomblé in Sacred and Secular Spaces in Salvador da Bahia, Brazil," in African Arts, 42.4, winter 2009, 62-79.
Susan Smith-Cunnien (Sociology and Criminal Justice), Andrea Jauli '10, Nathaniel Minor '10 and Luis Rangel '10, "Social, Cultural and Economic Assessment of Borko as Site for Mali Seed Potato Pilot Project." Report for Madame Aissata Thera, January 2009, Institut d’Economie Rurale and Mali Agribusiness Center, Bamako, Mali.
Mark Stansbury-O’Donnell (Art History), "Structural Analysis as an Approach to Defining the Comic," in S. Schmidt and J. H. Oakley, eds., Concepts of Pictorial Representation in the Hermeneutics of Greek Vase Paintings, Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum series, Deutschland, Beihefte 4 (Munich: C. H. Beck, 2009, 33-41).
John Tauer (Psychology), Corey Guenther '04 and Chris Rozek, "The Home Choke Revisited," Journal of Applied Sport Psychology, 21, 148- 162.
Daniel Tight (Modern and Classical Languages), with C. Klee and R. Caravedo, "Dialect Contact in Lima: Perfects vs. Perfectives in Narrative Clauses," 2009 Hispanic Linguistics Symposium, University of Puerto Rico-Río Piedras, October 2009.
Jill Trinka (Music), "Favorite Folk Song Repertoire" and "Using Folk Songs as Paradigms for Improvisation and Composition," American Orff Schulwerk Association National Conference, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, November 2009.
Lisa Waldner (Sociology and Criminal Justice) and Betty Dobratz, "Politics of Conflict of Interest in Healthcare: The FDA, Pharmaceuticals and Doctors," American Sociological Association, San Francisco, California, August 2009.
Martin Warren (English), "The Quakers as Parrhesiasts: Frank Speech and Plain Speaking as the Fruits of Silence," in Quaker History, Vol. 98, No. 2.
Meg Wilkes Karraker (Sociology and Criminal Justice), "From Immigrant to Transnational Families: Expanding the Conversation in Family Studies" National Council on Family Relations Family Focus on Immigration/Migration, fall 2009.
Elizabeth Wilkinson (English), "White Women and the Transrhetorical Agency of Indianism," Society for the Study of American Women Writers, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, October 2009.
Uta Wolfe (Psychology), "Successful Integration of Interactive Neuroscience Simulations into a Non-Laboratory Sensation and Perception Course" in the Journal of Undergraduate Neuroscience Education, 7 (2), A69-A73. This article received an Editor's Choice Award.
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