In 2007-2008, faculty in the College of Arts and Sciences had another productive year as they engaged in work in their disciplines. They published 14 books and contributed chapters to 21 other books including:
Heather Bouwman (English), “Samson Occom and the Sermonic Tradition” in K. Bross and H. Wysss (eds.), Early Native Literacies in New England: A Documentary andCritical Anthology, Amherst: University of Massachusetts Press.
William Cavanaugh (Theology), “Colonialism and the Myth of Religious Violence” in T. Fitzgerald (ed.), Religion and the Secular: Historical and Colonial Formations, London: Equinox Publishers.
Michael Degnan (Philosophy), “Are We Obliged to Feed PVS Patients Until Natural Death?” in C. Tollefsen (ed.), Artificial Nutrition and Hydration: The New CatholicDebate, Dordrecht, Netherlands: Springer Press.
Simon Emms (Biology), E. Kraker and C. Phillips. (2008). “Environmental and Food Safety Aspects of Vegetarian Diets” in P. Carlson (ed.), The Complete Vegetarian: The Essential Guide to Good Health, Champaign, Ill.: University of Illinois Press.
Jane Tar (Modern and Classical Languages), “Flying Through the Empire: The Visionary Journeys of Early Modern Nuns” in J. Eich, J. Gillespie and L. Harrison (eds.), Women’s Voices and the Politics of the Spanish Empire: From Convent Cell to Imperial Court, New Orleans, LA: University Press of the South.
CAS faculty published more than 95 articles in peer-reviewed journals, including:
Tony Borgerding (Chemistry), Michael Bowser and UST students Matthew Humbert, Melissa Jones, Ashley Kramer, Jonathan Maurer and Tyler Vanadurongvan. (2007). “Analysis and Monitoring of Volatile Analytes From Aqueous Solutions by Extractions Into the Gas Phase Using Microdialysis Membranes and Coupling to Fast GC,” Analytical Chemistry, 80, 123-128.
Daniel Carey (Health and Human Performance), German Pliego (Computer and Information Sciences) and Robert Raymond (emeritus, Computer and Information Sciences), “How Endurance Athletes Breathe During Incremental Exercise to Fatigue: Interaction of Tidal Volume and Frequency,” Journal of Exercise Physiology, August, 16 (5).
Robert Craig (Communication and Journalism), “Through Printers’ Eyes: From the Arts and Crafts Movement to Modernism,” Visual Communication Quarterly, 15-1&2, 31-43.
Jayna Ditty (Biology), J. Thomas Ippoliti (Chemistry) and UST students Jeffrey C. Culhane, David C. Ebner, Mitchell D. Haustein and Tyler N. Winkelman. (2008). “Synthesis of a Novel Oxazolidinone Antimicrobial Agent,” Bio-organic and Medicinal Chemistry, 16:2651-2656.
Heidi Giebel (Philosophy), Tonia Bock (Psychology) and UST students Jason Cowell and Natalie Homa, “Psychological Influences on Moral Intuition: An Empirical Inquiry Using Unger’s Living High and Letting Die,” Review Journal of Political Philosophy, 5.
Adam Green (Physics) and UST students Kyle Braun, James Kavanaugh, Christian Lytle and James Thielen, “A Simple, Inexpensive Photoelastic Modulator,” American Journal of Physics, May.
Carmela Garritano (English), “Contesting Authenticities: African Film Critics and the History of Early Video Production in Ghana,” Critical Arts: A Journal of South- North Cultural and Media Studies, 20.1, 21-48.
Gerald Schlabach (Theology and Justice and Peace Studies), “Continuity and Sacrament, or Not: Hauerwas, Yoder, and Their Deep Difference,” Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics, Fall/Winter, 27(2), 171-207.
Arkady Shemyakin (Mathematics), “An Adaptive Backward Coupling Metropolis Algorithm for Truncated Distributions,” Model Assisted Statistics and Applications, 2 (1), 137-143.
Robert Werner (Geography), “Inquiry-Based Education at Minnesota’s University of St. Thomas,” The International Journal of Learning, 14(1), 51-56.
CAS faculty obtained 15 new external grants, totaling more than $900,000, to support their future work, including:
Elise Amel (Psychology), Britain Scott (Psychology) and Christina Manning (Psychology), “Conservation Psychology Research Program,” Northern Environmental Support Trust, $10,000.
Anthony Borgerding (Chemistry), Kris Wammer (Chemistry), J. Thomas Ippoliti (Chemistry), D. Hanson and R. Brisbois, “Interlaboratory Measurements and Unknown Identification of Perfluorochemicals on Samples From a Minnesota Lake to Support Foodweb and Source/Sink Studies,” Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, $69,355.
Martin Johnston (Physics), Gerald Ruch (Physics), Adam Green (Physics), Thomas Hickson (Geology), Jeff Jalkio (Physics), Melissa Lamb (Geology), Marie Lopez del Puerto (Physics) and Kevin Theissen (Geology), “Support for Research Infrastructure in Physics and Geology,” Minnesota Space Grant, $88,813.
Matthew Kim (Economics) and Sarah Hamersma, “Job Lock and the Role of Public Health Insurance During Employment Transitions,” National Poverty Center, $17,500.
Doug Orzolek (Music), “Sounds Learning,” National Association of Music Merchants, $150,000.
Patrick Van Fleet (Mathematics), “Collaborative Research: A Phase II Expansion of the Development of a Multidisciplinary Course on Wavelets and Applications,” National Science Foundation, $383,848.
Kyle Zimmer (Biology), M. Hanson and B. Herwig. “Regional Comparisons of Relationships Among Landscape Setting Ambient Nutrients, Land Use, Fish Communities, and Ecological Characteristics of Shallow Lakes,” Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, $44,056.
CAS faculty were involved in a variety of other activities. They published poems, short stories, encyclopedia entries, scholarly reviews, videos and compact discs; were involved in dozens of artistic performances and received prestigious awards. CAS faculty also presented more than 230 academic papers at professional conferences, often in collaboration with students, and presented a like number of invited talks at universities and other professional venues across the country and around the world. Some of those highlights include:
Thomas Connery (Communication and Journalism), “By Its Very Nature: Literary Journalism’s Critique of Conventional Journalism,” keynote address, International Association of Literary Journalism Studies, Lisbon, Portugal: May.
Father Michael Joncas (Catholic Studies), “Jubilate Deo Award", National Association of Pastoral Musicians, Los Angeles, Calif.: July.
Lon Otto (English), “Her Good Name,” Prairie Schooner, 81(4), 5-28.
Doug Orzolek (Music) co-producer and Matthew George (Music) co-producer and conductor, “Out of Nowhere,” UST Symphonic Wind Ensemble, St. Paul: Innova Recordings.
Heather Shirey (Art History), “Understanding Religious Juxtapositions Through Material Culture: Candomblé, Santería and Vodou Altars in a Cross-Cultural Perspective,” International Conference on Afro-Hispanic Studies, Accra, Ghana: August.
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