Faculty in the College of Arts and Sciences were productive during the 2008-2009 academic year as they engaged in work in their disciplines. They published 16 books, including those featured on Off the Press. In addition, they contributed chapters to 28 other books, including:
Bernard Armada (Communication and Journalism), S. Foss and W. Waters, “Toward a Theory of Agentic Orientation: Rhetoric and Agency in ‘Run Lola Run.’” In S. Foss’ Rhetorical Criticism: Exploration and Practice (fourth edition), Long Grove, Ill.: Waveland Press.
William Kinney (Sociology and Criminal Justice), “Organizational Theory, the Process of McDonaldization, and Moving Beyond Bureaucracy?” in E. Borland’s (editor), Teaching Organizational Sociology: A Collection of Syllabi, Assignments, and Other Resources (third edition), Washington, D.C.: American Sociological Association.
Sandra Menssen and Thomas Sullivan (Philosophy), “The Existence of God and the Existence of Homer: Rethinking Theism and Revelatory Claims,” in L. Zagzebski and T. Miller’s (editors), Readings in Philosophy of Religion: Ancient to Contemporary, Malden, Mass.: Wiley-Blackwell.
Jack Nelson-Pallmeyer (Justice and Peace Studies), “Resisting Violence, Creating Peace” in M. G. Long’s (editor), Resist! Christian Dissent for the 21st Century, Maryknoll, N.Y.: Orbis Books.
Barbara Sain (Theology), “Theology and Engineering: A Conversation in Two Languages,” in Chang-Hee Won, Cheryl Schrader and Anthony Michel’s (editors), Advances in Statistical Control, Algebraic Systems Theory, and Dynamic Systems Characteristics, Boston: Birkhauser.
Andrew Scheiber (English), “Blues Narratology and the African American Novel,” in Lovalerie King and Linda F. Selzer’s (editors), New Essays on the African American Novel: From Hurston and Ellison to Morrison and Whitehead, New York: Palgrave & MacMillan.
Paul Wojda (Theology and Catholic Studies), “Adoration, Veneration, Plastination: Theo-Liturgical Reflections on Gunther Von Hagens’ Body Worlds,” in T. Christine Jespersen, Alicita Rodríguez and Joseph Starr’s (editors), The Anatomy of “Body Worlds” Critical Essays on the Plastinated Cadavers of Gunther von Hagens, Jefferson, N.C.: MacFarland & Co., 2008.
CAS faculty published 125 articles in peer-reviewed journals, including:
Bridget Duoos (Health and Human Performance) and Kevin Haglund ’08, “Detecting Overtraining in Athletes with a Finger Tap Test,” Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 80 (1), A18-A19.
Jean Giebenhain (Psychology), Sarah Schmalenberger (Music), L. Starr and C. Gessert, “The Medical and Occupational Well-Being of Musicians after Breast Cancer,” American Journal of Clinical Oncology, 31 (5), 517. (See story at Musician, Heal Thyself.)
Adam Green, Martin Johnston and Paul Ohmann (Physics), “Infusing Computation Throughout the Undergraduate Curriculum,” Computers in Education Journal, Vol. XVIII (3).
Monica Hartmann (Economics), M. Engers and S. Stern, “Are Lemons Really Hot Potatoes?” International Journal of Industrial Organization, 27 (2), 250-263.
Anne Klejment (History), “Dorothy Day’s Spirituality of Pacifism,” U.S. Catholic Historian, 27.2 (spring), 1-24.
Elizabeth Kindall (Art History), “Visual Experience in Late-Ming Suzhou ‘Honorific’ and ‘Famous Sites’ Paintings,” Ars Orientalis, 36, 137-177.
Arijit Mazumdar (Political Science), “Some Limitations to the Success of the Low-Cost Carrier Business Model in India,” World Review of Intermodal Transportation Research, 2 (1), 84-100.
William Ojala (Chemistry), Charles Ojala and students Kendra Lystad, Tera Deal, Jessica Engebretson, Jill Spude and Barjeta Balidemaj, “Bridge Orientation as a Selector of Intermolecular Interactions in a Series of Crystalline Isomeric Benzylideneanilines,” Crystal Growth and Design, 9, 964-970.
John Tauer (Psychology) and John Kingsbury ’07, “The ESPN Effect: How Slam Dunks Affect Individualism, Competitiveness, and Optimism,” International Journal of Sport Communication, 2, 21-35.
Amy Verhoeven (Biology) and students Angela Osmolak, Paul Morales and Jordan Crow, “Seasonal Changes in Abundance and Phosphorylation Status of Photosynthetic Proteins in Eastern White Pine and Balsam Fir,” Tree Physiology, 29, 362-374.
CAS faculty obtained 23 new external grants, totaling more than $2.2 million, to support their future work, including:
Thomas Hickson and Melissa Lamb (Geology), B. McIntosh and P. Umhoefer, “High-Resolution Basin Analysis of a Large-Offset Extensional System, Lake Mead Domain, East-Central Basin and Range Province,” National Science Foundation, $350,000.
Adam Kay (Biology) and M. Kaspari, “Collaborative Research (RUI): Toward a Stoichiometric Theory of Ant Ecology - From Colony Performance to Community Composition,” National Science Foundation, $327,743.
Eric Rawdon (Mathematics), “Structure of Entanglement in Macromolecules,” National Science Foundation, $150,000.
Patrick VanFleet (Mathematics) principal investigator, with Doug Dokken, John Kemper, Kurt Scholz, Arkady Shemyakin, Mikhail Shvartsman and Magdalena Stolarska (Mathematics) and John Abraham (Engineering), “CSUMS: A Computational Training and Interdisciplinary Research Program for Undergraduates in the Mathematical Sciences at the University of St. Thomas,” National Science Foundation, $709,000.
CAS faculty also published poems, short stories, encyclopedia entries, scholarly reviews, videos and compact discs, were involved in dozens of artistic performances and received prestigious awards. They presented more than 300 academic papers at professional conferences, often in collaboration with students, and presented a like number of invited talks at universities around the world. Some of those highlights include:
Young-ok An (English), “Reading The Postmodern Prince through Mary Shelley’s version of The Prince,” International Conference on Emancipation, Labor and Education, Bahia, Brazil: June.
Donald Dziekowicz, Stephanie Lohse and Ashley Shams (Modern and Classical Languages), “Whose Reality? Multiple Perspectives in Carrère’s Novel and Film La Moustache,” American Association of Teachers of French Conference, Liège, Belgium: July.
Matthew George (Music), Artist in Residence, “Perform in Harmony with Olympic Spirit.” He worked with more than 2,000 musicians from China and North America as part of the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games Cultural Festival, summer 2008.
Michael Naughton (Catholic Studies), was awarded an honorary degree of Doctor of Humane Letters from the Dominican School of Philosophy and Theology in Berkeley, Calif.
Timothy Scully (Communication and Journalism), co-produced “News and Audience Responsibilities” for Twin Cities Public Television, St. Paul: May.
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