Portraits of Laura Hernandez Cancelado

Engineering Change in Global Communities 

Laura Hernandez Cancelado ’24 

Hometown: Originally from Colombia 

Major: Civil engineering 

What are some words you would use to describe yourself?

Adaptable, creative, analytical and dedicated. 

What do you enjoy most about engineering at the University of St. Thomas? 

The small class sizes and the close relationships with faculty create a personalized learning experience. Professors not only know students by name but also actively seek our opinions, ensuring an engaged and collaborative learning environment. 

Laura Hernandez Cancelado
Laura Hernandez Cancelado views Anthony James’ Portal Icosahedron sculpture in the Schoenecker Center.
Brandon Woller / University of St. Thomas

Tell us a little bit about your senior design project.

My senior design project focuses on developing a wastewater treatment facility for a community in Costa Rica. They currently rely on septic tanks without proper effluent treatment, the community faces issues like odors and land discharge.  

How has your senior design project impacted your life? 

Engaging in the senior design project has been an eye-opener, highlighting the challenges faced by many global communities. It has made me appreciate the wastewater systems in the U.S. that have been designed by other engineers. Personally, it has improved my engineering skills, developing a deeper understanding of the multifaceted aspects of project execution and the importance of collaboration within a diverse team. 

This story is featured in the spring 2024 issue of St. Thomas Engineer.

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