
A New Generation of St. Thomas Lawyers

As UST School of Law expands beyond the J.D., new students are driven by their passion to make the world a better place.

There’s something different here, they say. Something that makes this place feel special. It’s what drew them in, made them feel at ease and pushed them to work harder. Cohesion. Camaraderie. Fellowship. Authenticity.

For the newest classes of students at the University of St. Thomas School of Law, the experience of attending law school here is difficult to put into words. The school itself is charting new territory, for the first time opening its doors to non-J.D. students in fall 2014, and welcoming lawyers from around the Twin Cities and around the world into its two new LL.M. programs.

So, who are these new students? What brought them here, and where will they go when they leave? Here, we profile six of the newest crop of students making an impact at UST School of Law.

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