Looking at Greek Art By Mark D. Stansbury-O’Donnell (Cambridge University Press, 2011)
There are any number of factors that go into examining unfamiliar pieces of Greek art. Stansbury-O’Donnell works to present the different methods for approaching, analyzing and contextualizing those pieces. Everything from date and location, to what a piece consists of, to why it was made can be explored through different theoretical approaches. With examples from museums across the United States and Europe, Stansbury-O’Donnell includes a wide range of media and types of art and, in presenting ways to think “broadly and ask questions on different levels,” he furthers the contemporary ability to understand Greek art.
Hans Küng, Ciò che credo [What I Believe] Edited by Massimo Faggioli, Theology Department (Milan: Rizzoli, 2010)
Hans Küng, a prominent theologian, offers a personal statement of his Christian belief. If one sets aside all scientific knowledge, all formal theological language and the skillful construction of theories, what remains as the core of faith? What do we need for our lives? What is indispensable to us? Küng writes of trust in life, joy in life and suffering in life and in so doing, writes a summa of his faith – and life.
The Story About the Story: Great Writers Explore Great Literature Edited by J.C. Hallman, English Department (Tin House Books, 2009)
In a collection of more than 30 essays, editor J.C. Hallman has gathered together some of history’s most prominent authors and presented to the reader their thoughts on great literature. By pulling together pieces with a personal angle, Hallman is able to present the form of critical essay known as “Creative Criticism.” Through their essays, great authors such as Oscar Wilde and E.B. White give support for Hallman’s argument that “a better criticism has come around.”
Primer on Biblical Methods By Corrine L. Carvalho (Anselm Academic, 2009)
A follow-up to Carvalho’s guide to reading the Old Testament, Encountering Ancient Voices, the author aims to introduce to students “the major methods of scriptural interpretation.” For those beginning to study the Bible, Carvalho offers a guide for students to the critical methods of interpretation that make effective reading possible. By including contemporary issues Carvalho updates the application of interpretation for today’s Bible readers, and draws from her own experience teaching theology to write a guide that “both affirms the student’s desire to learn more and gently challenges them to adopt more complex reading strategies.”
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