The soft opening for the Anderson Student Center is scheduled for Tuesday, Jan. 17, 2012. Information about events for that day, including building tours, will be announced soon. Because of the soft opening, availability of Anderson Student Center meeting rooms has been extended to Jan. 17-29 in Webviewer.
Along with the increased availability, the following locations will be set with standard setup options to assist in future event location requests:
- James B. Woulfe Alumni Hall South*
Rows of chairs with stage on west wall - James B. Woulfe Alumni Hall North*
Rounds of eight with a stage on the west wall - Private Dining, Room 366
Default setup of tables and chairs for 48 - Private Dining, Room 367
Default set up of tables and chairs for 36 - Rooms 364 and 365
Open tables in a U shape
* Note that requests for meetings or events in the Anderson Student Center James B. Woulfe Alumni Hall now can be accommodated during this new timeline. For Jan. 17-29 meeting requests contact Vanessa Ryan, (651) 962-6137.
During this time period Catering Services will be limited to deliveries only in the Anderson Student Center.