The 2014 Summer Orientation and Registration Appreciation Picnic will be held 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Wednesday, Aug. 13, on John P. Monahan Plaza. The summer program was a smashing success and organizers would like to extend their appreciation to the St. Thomas community members who contributed to this success. Nearly 1,400 new first year undergraduates and almost 2,000 guests were welcomed during the program.
The picnic will move to Scooter's in case of rain.
Susan Anderson, Director of Academic Counseling
Jane Canney, Vice President for Student Affairs
Rachel Harris, Interim Associate Dean of Students
Josh Hengemuhle, Program Director for Off-Campus Student Services and Orientation
Michael Jordan, Associate Vice President for Undergraduate Studies
Karen Lange, Dean of Students
Drew Puroway, Academic Counselor