Class started last week and I'm taking a full load: International Marketing, The Creative Process and Managerial Accounting. Taking three classes isn't something very many Evening MBA students do as time is a precious commodity between jobs, school and family life, but this semester it works for me and I really wanted to take advantage of the interesting classes offered this term.
Plus, one of my classes is on Saturdays, which makes balancing things a bit easier. If you are considering taking more than one class and work full time, I really suggest considering some of UST's Saturday classes, or ones in the new blended format.
Having already completed 10 courses, I am starting to take electives, which means I can specialize on the aspects of business I am most interested in. I chose the international marketing class because I work on an international team and love being a part of multinational projects that involve collaboration. I also am taking a course in the business communication program called The Creative Process, because innovation is such an important aspect of staying competitive.
One of the benefits of being mid-way through the program is that I am starting to know a lot of other Evening MBA students and am excited that I have friends in every class. Most of us use LinkedIn to connect with each other, and many of us meet for dinner once a semester just to catch up. Being only a week in, I can't offer too much commentary on how things are going, but it looks like it will be a good semester.