For more than 25 years, the Office of Undergraduate Admissions has welcomed prospective Tommies to its space at 32 Finn. That’s all about to change.
As part of the university’s long-range space plan, the Office of Undergraduate Admissions will move to its new home in Murray-Herrick Campus Center. Located on the second floor, the newly remodeled space will provide a location in the heart of campus where prospective students and their families will be introduced to St. Thomas. The space is a welcome change as the Murray-Herrick Campus Center is fully handicapped-accessible and provides an appropriate abundance of purple and gray Tommie spirit. Additionally, this move will unite the Enrollment Services Division (Undergraduate Admissions and Financial Aid) in one space - a move that has been in the making since the late 1998.
Beginning Friday, Sept. 6, look for Undergraduate Admissions in the Murray-Herrick Campus Center.
Parking Changes in Lot G
To accommodate the admissions location change, the parking spaces in parking lots G, outside Murray-Herrick and the O’Shaughnessy Educational Center, and L (outside 32 Finn) have been reallocated.
Parking Lot L will now be a faculty/staff (red) parking lot. A portion of the parking spaces in Lot G, along the north side of the parking lot, will now be reserved for admissions visitor parking. Admissions parking in Lot G will be enforced from 6 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday. Some of the spaces will be permanent admissions spaces. Others will be marked with signs that will change to read “Admissions Visitors Parking Only” on days with high visitor volume.
The Public Safety Department acknowledges that this is a substantial change to these parking lots and to parking patterns, and that these changes may be an inconvenience to many parkers. However, the goal and mission of Undergraduate Admissions is critical to the success of the University of St. Thomas. The department appreciates understanding and flexibility.