Veterans invited to participate in focus group

Students at St. Thomas who are veterans are invited to participate in a focus group discussion on Thursday, Nov. 19. Amanda Suniti Niskodé-Dossett, director for student engagement in the Division of Student Affairs, will lead the discussion.

The purpose of the focus group is to:

  • Gain a greater understanding of the experiences of veteran students at St. Thomas.
  • Learn what veteran students would like out of their educational experience.
  • Find out what St. Thomas could do in order to help veteran students be successful.

The event will be held over convo hour from 11:45 a.m. to 1:15 p.m. in the Fireside Room, Room 260, Murray-Herrick Campus Center. A free pizza lunch will be provided.

Registration is needed by Friday, Nov. 13, to ensure that enough pizza is ordered. To register and for more information, e-mail Niskodé-Dossett or call (651) 962-6464.