The Wellness Center is sponsoring a search for a heart located somewhere on the St. Paul campus. With Valentine's Day approaching, the Heart Hunt is a way to promote healthy relationships. The first student to find the heart and bring it to the Wellness Center will receive a $50 gift certificate to Axel's Bonfire on Grand and two movie tickets. The Wellness Center is located in the lower level of Koch Commons. Each day a new clue about the location of the heart and a message about healthy relationships will be posted on Facebook.
Clue #1: I hope the Heart stays warm in the cool Winter air! Like UST Wellness Center on Facebook for additional clues.
Healthy relationship tip: Healthy relationships are no accident. There are elements such as honesty, respect, trust and communication that form the foundation. You have to actively want these building blocks and you can evaluate your relationship by looking for these key ingredients.
For more information, contact the Wellness Center at or (651) 962-6128.