In August, Susan Marsnik, Dale Thompson and Susan Supina, faculty at Opus College of Business, were honored by the Academy of Legal Studies in Business at the annual meeting in Louisville. Each year, the academy’s top pedagogy journal chooses one article published the previous year to receive its prestigious Hoeber Memorial Award for excellence in research. This year, the Journal of Legal Studies Education granted this honor to a trio from the Department of Ethics and Business Law for their article “Oh Naturelle! Health & Beauty: An Integrated Law, Ethics, and Strategy Case for the First Day of Class.”
This article is the second in a series of articles published in 2022 by this author trio. “Contract Exercises in the Age of Snapchat” appeared in the Journal of Business Law and Education. This is the second Hoeber Memorial Award awarded to members of the department in the last decade. In 2013, Professors Marsnik and Thompson won the Hoeber for “Using Contract Negotiation Exercises to Develop Higher Order Thinking and Strategic Business Skills.”
Opus College is the only business college in the five-state area to offer an undergraduate concentration in law and compliance to meet the growing compliance needs of businesses. The Department of Ethics and Business Law faculty are nationally recognized for innovation in programming and pedagogy.