During the last year, more than 40 people have been actively working to prepare for our 2013 self-study and evaluation with the Higher Learning Commission. Although the early steps of this institutional accreditation may not have affected you directly, we are nearly ready to begin seeking campuswide involvement.
The Institutional Audit
Currently, the self-study subcommittees are reaching out to the St. Thomas community to collect information for an institutional audit. This audit will document how well our university meets the five HLC criteria for accreditation: 1) mission; 2) integrity: ethical and responsible practice; 3) teaching and learning: quality, resources and support; 4) teaching and learning: evaluation and improvement; and 5) resources, planning and institutional effectiveness.
The audit, which will become the first part of the self-study, will illuminate our strengths and help us identify areas for improvement. It will be released for community comment early next fall.
Before then, we will host three open sessions designed as an opportunity for members of the community to learn more about the accreditation process and to share input for inclusion in the institutional audit. We invite you to join us at one of the sessions listed below.
Open Sessions
- April 4: 9:45-10:45 a.m. St. Paul, Anderson Student Center, Room 202
- April 4: 3:30-4:30 p.m. Minneapolis, Terrence Murphy Hall, Room 203
- April 5: 3:30-4:30 p.m. St. Paul, Anderson Student Center, Room 202
If you are unable to attend a session, a PowerPoint update is available on the HLC BlackBoard site. We also encourage you to contact us if you have information to share related to the process or to the criteria. Finally, if your group or unit would like a tailored visit, please let us know.
For More Information
The HLC BlackBoard site is the official location for documents and information related to the self-study and reaccreditation process.
To self-enroll in the site:
- Log into Blackboard
- Click the Community tab
- Type “HLC” in the Organization Search box in the upper-left side of the page
- When the HLC2013 group comes up, click the down arrow next to the title
- Click enroll
- Click submit
You now have access and can view documents, data and information.
In addition, below is our contact information. Feel free to get in touch anytime.
- Lucy Payne, 962-6724, llpayne@stthomas.edu
- Wendy Wyatt, 962-5253, wnwyatt@stthomas.edu
- Marty Johnston, 962-5214, mejohnston@stthomas.edu
- HLC mailbox -- HLC2013@stthomas.edu