Administrators praise advisory councils

Administrators praise advisory councils

One of the benefits of having organizations such as the Faculty Senate and the Non-Exempt Staff Council effectively performing their very different but very important roles on campus, is that they foster more direct and effective communication across the university and offer important and varied perspectives on our university’s mission.

We are pleased that another organization, the Exempt Staff Council, was created last fall and is gearing up to become another important and influential voice at St. Thomas.

The inaugural council recently took a big step in electing officers. Linda Dorn of the Registrar’s Office is chair, and Kay Wimer of the MBA Student Life Office is vice-chair. Kim Schumann of Academic Counseling’s Enhancement Program is the budget and elections coordinator, and Nate Roloff of IRT is the communications and Web coordinator. Other elected members of the 10-person council, which was elected last November, are John Barron, Service Center; Margaret Cahill, Student Affairs; Liz Dussol, Academic Counseling; Tony Lewno, Biology; Sandy Schwartz, Business Office; and Jerry Sweeney, Catering.

The council’s next meeting will be at noon Thursday, April 23, in Room 304, Murray-Herrick Campus Center, with videoconferencing to Room 201, Opus Hall, on the Minneapolis campus. Bring your own lunch; the council will provide cookies and lemonade. Mark Dienhart will review the university’s budget and plans for construction of the Anderson Athletic and Recreation Complex and the Anderson Student Center.

If you are unable to attend but would like certain issues brought forward, please send an e-mail to

We hope you are able to attend the meeting, and we look forward to discussing ways to strengthen St. Thomas, especially in these challenging economic times. We are convinced that close, ongoing cooperation among all of us – staff, faculty and administrators – will bring more perspectives into consideration and be immeasurable as we build a stronger and more vital St. Thomas.