Annual ecumenical prayer luncheon set for March 6
Everyone is welcome to attend the annual ecumenical prayer luncheon during Heritage Week. It will be held from noon to 1:30 p.m. Thursday, March 6, in Room 252, Terrence Murphy Hall.
Catherine Cory
This year's theme is "Grace-Filled Hospitality: Making God's Presence Known Among Us." The guest speaker will be Dr. Catherine Cory, associate professor of New Testament in the Theology Department and director of UST's Master of Arts in Theology Program and Murray Institute.
Through biblical and current stories, Corey will share how those attending the luncheon can flourish in their heart, mind and spirit. A lively discussion also will explore what it might look like to celebrate the grace of hospitality here at UST.
A buffet-style lunch will include soup, sandwich, salad and beverages. A freewill offering of $6 is suggested.
Attendees are invited to share their prayers and reflections on the luncheon topic; they may be sent along with registration.
Register by Monday, March 3, to Mary Edel-Joyce, (651) 962-4920.