Applications to run for Undergraduate Student Government available now
Applications for the Undergraduate Student Government elections are available in the USG office, Room 111, Murray-Herrick Campus Center.
Bring your completed application to the mandatory candidate meeting at 8 p.m. Monday, April 14, in Room 155, Murray-Herrick Campus Center. Applications will not be accepted before or after this date.
Voting for elections this spring will begin on Wednesday, April 16, and continue through Friday, April 18. Voting will be done online and end at 9 p.m. Friday, April 18.
For more information, e-mail Jamie Vortherms.
The USG acts as the voice of the students at St. Thomas. Members of USG work with faculty, staff, administration and other students to promote positive change and foster tradition in an effort to provide students with an exceptional college experience both inside and outside the classroom.
The USG works with students to sponsor forums and dialogues that pertain to topics and issues important to the students of UST. It works to inform students about campus events and issues that affect the students' lives. Through a close working relationship with faculty, staff and administration, the USG communicates important student concerns and input.
The USG allocates the student activity fee and manages the conference and competition budget for more than 90 UST clubs and organizations; this sponsors cooperative programming, club activities and conference and transportation needs.
Also, the USG appoints student representatives to many university and USG committees (such as Student Affairs, Undergraduate Policy and Planning, Residence Life Advisory) as well as liaisons to the board of trustees; this allows for student input on important campus decisions.