Aquinas Yearbook Preview now Available Online

The Aquinas yearbook will celebrate the release of its preview edition at 5:30 p.m. today, Thursday, May 10, on the John P. Monahan Plaza. Attendees will receive a limited edition Aquinas T-shirt and have the opportunity to preview select content on Aquinas’ new app through a number of devices, including laptops, tablets and smart phones.

The soft launch of the Aquinas yearbook is today.

The soft launch of the Aquinas yearbook is today. (Click the cover for a larger view.)

The preview is part of a soft launch in preparation for the full release in June. The full release will include all aspects of the Aquinas yearbook that UST has come to know and enjoy; it will be accessible through the Web at the yearbook’s new home, The full release also will be available as an app for all Android devices, Apple iPhones and iPads, and the Kindle Fire.

In addition to capturing the joys and memories here at the University of St. Thomas, the Aquinas yearbook now allows readers to experience seamlessly embedded multimedia content such as slideshows, videos and 360-degree revolving panoramic shots.

Other Aquinas features include:

  • Brilliant replica format, just like the print edition of Aquinas in years past.
  • Text-formatted articles designed for mobile readability.
  • Easily search the Aquinas yearbook by using the handy search bar.
  • Bookmark and share your favorite pages and comments through social media.

Visit the Aquinas yearbook’s preview edition at More to come in June.