The Career Development Center will present two new career development seminars this week:
“New Online Career and Job-Search Resources”
1 p.m. Thursday, April 7
While networking is a key to success, the search for jobs and internships must involve multiple strategies. This session will review new online tools, including Linked In, the new Job and Internship Listings-Tommie Careers Web page, and additional major sites.
“Preparing for Your Summer Internship”
12:30 p.m. Friday, April 8
This session is directed toward students who know they have an internship experience lined up for the summer. Presenters will talk about expectations, being on the lookout for benefits, and the finer points of communicating with a supervisor. An internship has the potential to impact career choice and future employment. Knowing where to focus your attention can achieve great things.
For more information visit Seminars and Events.