Celebrate International Credit Union Week
All UST employees are invited to join the St. Thomas Employee Federal Credit Union to celebrate International Credit Union Week 2005.
In Minneapolis, you can enjoy refreshments, enter a raffle, pick up credit union literature and forms, and meet the credit union staff from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 19, at a table in the second-floor atrium, Terrence Murphy Hall.
In St. Paul, look for treats and a raffle from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. (regular CU hours) Friday, Oct. 21, at the credit union office, Room 209, Loras Hall.
Any UST employee, or immediate family member of an employee, is eligible to join the credit union. Just fill out a membership card and deposit $5 in a share account, and you are in.
The CU offers various share (savings) accounts, a Christmas Club account, and loans up to a $40,000 cumulative loan limit per member. Automatic payroll deduction is available for both saving and loan paying.
Want to know more? Stop by during International Credit Union Week, or call the CU office, (651) 962-6660.