Center for Business Excellence lists programs for October
The Center for Business Excellence will offer several programs this October. Discounts of 33 percent for UST students and alumni and 75 percent for UST faculty and staff are available. For more information or to register, call the Center for Business Excellence at (651) 962-4600 or click on the respective links below.
Mini Master of the Lean Enterprise
Monday evenings, Oct. 1-Dec. 17
The Mini Master of the Lean Enterprise will help participants evaluate and improve their organizations to meet and exceed customer expectations. It also will provide leaders with the ability to implement lean enterprise principles and tools in both operational (manufacturing) and transactional (office) arenas.
For more information or to register, visit the Mini Master of the Lean Enterprise program Web page.
Essential Supervisory Skills
Wednesday through Friday, Oct. 3-5
Essential Supervisory Skills will outline key functions of the supervisor and specific strategies for motivating employees, delegating tasks and making decisions. This program is ideal for new supervisors, people earmarked for supervisory positions, and for more experienced supervisors who need to update their skills.
For more information or to register, visit the Essential Supervisory Skills program Web page.
FastTrac New Venture
Thursday evenings, Oct. 4-Dec. 13
FastTrac New Venture will help participants build the skills needed to enhance their chance of business success and continued growth. It will help individuals assess the viability of a new venture and identify business opportunities while learning how to research the market, develop business concepts, identify strategies, and complete a business plan for their start-up venture.
For more information or to register, visit the FastTrac New Venture program Web page.
Becoming an Influential Leader: Defining Your Leadership Style
Three Thursday-Friday modules, Oct. 11-Dec. 8
Becoming an Influential Leader focuses on the importance of influence and helps individuals develop the capacity to take on the leadership challenge. It will provide a framework and language for defining your style and help you develop your leadership with intention for greater effectiveness.
For more information or to register, visit the Becoming an Influential Leader: Defining Your Leadership Style program Web page.