Center for Business Excellence lists programs for September and October
The Center for Business Excellence will offer several programs this September and early October. A 33 percent discount is available to UST students and alumni and a 75 percent discount is available to UST faculty and staff. For more information or to register, call the Center for Business Excellence at (651) 962-4600 or click on the respective links below.
FastTrac Growth Venture
Tuesday evenings, Sept. 25-Dec. 4
FastTrac Growth Venture is designed to help experienced business owners build the skills they need to enhance business success and continued growth. It features new curriculum with action steps to help entrepreneurs sharpen their strategic thinking and decision-making skills.
For more information or to apply, visit the FastTrac Growth Venture program Web page.
Lean for Services and the Office
Tuesday and Wednesday, Sept. 25 and 26
Lean for Services and the Office will help participants apply lean principles to their business operating philosophy and introduce key productivity factors to streamline and eliminate waste from administrative processes, improve quality and achieve bottom-line savings.
For more information or to register, visit the Lean for Services and the Office program Web page.
Leadership Skills Certificate Series
First program begins Oct. 4
The Leadership Skills Certificate Series provides you with practical, proven techniques that leaders need to do their jobs more effectively. It offers leaders a solid foundation in many key functions such as decision-making, negotiations, conflict resolution, employee motivation and mentoring.
For more information or to register, visit the Leadership Development program Web page.