Are you looking for an opportunity to “Be the Change” needed on campus and in the world?
Challenge Day sets aside time to reflect on UST’s core convictions, mission and mantra of “Challenge Yourself, Change Our World.” Participants will reflect and engage in dialogue to raise awareness of each person’s impact on his or her community.
This 24-hour event begins in the evening on Monday, March 15, with a talk by distinguished lecturer and historian Dr. James Loewen, author of Lies My Teacher Told Me. A discussion on racism, difference and stereotyping that challenges students to suspend judgment will follow the lecture.
Challenge Day continues on Tuesday, March 16, when students will sit down with UST faculty to discuss their personal responsibility for creating a respectful environment and the power of individual choices to not only be the change but also to understand other people’s perspectives on what needs to change in order to make the community better for everyone.
Students are invited to register either as a group of four or individually by Monday, Feb. 22. Registration forms will be available in the Multicultural Student Services office, Room 106, Murray-Herrick Campus Center, or register online. The first 100 participants to register will receive a T-shirt.
Challenge Day is sponsored by Multicultural Student Services, the Office of Institutional Diversity, Service-Learning, Tutor-Mentor Program, the Center for Intercultural Learning and Community Engagement, Campus Ministry, Faculty Development, American Culture and Difference, Justice and Peace Studies, and the University Lecture Series.
For more information about Challenge Day, call Multicultural Student Services, (651) 962-6460.