Colloquium on 'The Art of Reading' is Friday
The first event in the spring English Department Colloquium Series features a panel presentation titled "The Art of Reading." This discussion will be held from 3:30 to 5 p.m. Friday, Feb. 8, in Room 108, O'Shaughnessy-Frey Library Center.
Panelists Carmela Garritano, Abigail Davis, Joe Henkin and Patrick Quillan will spark discussion on the controversial question of how and what we read in an academic setting. Light refreshments will be served.
The reading of texts lies at the foundation of English studies. Most of the knowledge you produce and the wisdom you cultivate comes from reading texts. Even more, much of the pleasure of the discipline comes from reading: from the private intimacies of solitary reading and from the communality of reading aloud and engaging in conversation about texts.
The range of both what and how people read is expansive. What is a text: novels, poems, plays, memoirs, films, legal documents, lecture notes, landscapes, cereal boxes? Should you practice close reading or distant reading? Join the panelists as they engage these questions and guide participants through reading texts that have been important to their scholarship.