Former U.S. senator David Durenberger, founder and current chair of the National Institute of Health Policy at the University of St. Thomas, will be the next speaker in the St. Thomas Alumni Association's First Friday Speaker Series at noon Friday, March 5, at Nicollet Island Pavilion, 40 Power St., near downtown Minneapolis.

Former U.S. senator David Durenberger
The only Minnesota Republican to have been elected to three terms in the Senate, Durenberger retired in 1995. He served 16 years on the Senate Finance Committee, 12 years on Environment and Public Works, 10 years on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions, four years on Government Affairs, and eight years on the Select Committee on Intelligence, which he chaired in 1985-86.
Since leaving office, Durenberger has served on various national health commissions and boards, including the Medicare Payment Advisory Commission. He currently serves on the board of the National Commission on Quality Assurance and the Kaiser Commission on Medicaid and the Uninsured. He has written books on health policy and on national security policy and writes a popular biweekly national commentary on health events.
Durenberger’s speech is co-sponsored by the National Institute of Health Policy.
On first Fridays of each month during the academic year, the St. Thomas Alumni Association's First Friday Speaker Series offers lunch and a speaker of current interest. St. Thomas alumni and friends, along with the general public, are invited. Cost of each luncheon and presentation is $25. Student tickets are $15.
Reservations for the March 5 luncheon are due Friday, Feb. 26. Early reservations are recommended as these events fill quickly. For reservations and more information, call the St. Thomas Alumni Association, (651) 962-6430, or register online at the alumni association’s Web site.