The Newsroom has solicited a series of letters for students as they return to campus amidst the COVID-19 pandemic. Today's letter is from Executive Vice President of Undergraduate Student Government Adam Revoir '22.
Dear Tommies:
We are days away from starting the fall 2020 semester and welcoming back the students who call St. Thomas home. Through my work with Admissions this summer, I have gotten to witness the completion of Tommie North, Tommie East, and the Iversen Center for Faith, which are marvelous additions to our campus. I am excited to head back to St. Thomas, and I do recognize the increased health concerns that come with reopening the university. Nevertheless, if we all think and act responsibly now, come spring, we may be able to enjoy long-lasting traditions like a graduation ceremony.
Again, fall will not be the same as prior years, but as Tommies, I know we will effectively adapt and continue to strive toward academic excellence. Embrace technology and use it to your advantage, whether to elevate a club, outperform in academics and more. Know that there are a multitude of resources at your disposal to assist in these unprecedented times.
Lastly, I am asking everyone to think and act responsibly this fall. I ask this not as a campus leader nor on behalf of any administrators; I am merely asking as a fellow Tommie. St. Thomas is one of the many "guests" that occupy south Minneapolis and west St. Paul. Therefore, let's do our part and obey the posted health guidelines to mitigate levels of an outbreak not only within the St. Thomas community but the adjacent communities, too. One way might mean not participating in the stereotypical college events, for instance: going out, partying and more. I know this might be hard for some to follow, and you might feel like you're restricted. But trust me when I say that while these college events will always be around, you might not be.
-Adam Revoir '22
Executive Vice President of USG