Dr. Kevin Sauter, professor of Communication and Journalism, has been appointed to a two-year term as the faculty director of Service-Learning at St. Thomas.

Dr. Kevin Sauter
Dr. Angeline Barrett-Herman, associate vice-president for Academic Affairs, upon the recommendation of the Service-Learning Advisory Board, made the appointment effective this fall. Sauter will work closely with the Service-Learning board and with Barb Baker, the program manager for Service-Learning, to maintain the quality of programs offered, encourage an expansion of Service-Learning through more assignments and courses utilizing this pedagogy, and bring attention to the service-learning opportunities available for students both in the Twin Cities and internationally through study-abroad classes.
Dr. Amy Muse, English Department, recently completed her two-year term as faculty director of Service-Learning and has passed responsibilities on to Sauter as she begins a yearlong sabbatical leave.
Sauter has served as the founding chair of the UST Communication Department and was the interim chair of Modern and Classical Languages and the Health and Human Performance departments. Sauter also has been the chair of the Core Curriculum Assessment Committee, Grievance Committee and the Core Curriculum Task Force. He has used service-learning in many of his classes, particularly in his January UMAIE classes. He recently co-wrote a book chapter with COJO colleagues Dr. Carol Bruess and Dr. Debra Petersen on their long-term service-learning project at the Ke Kula Ni’ihau O Kekaha School on Kauai, Hawaii.
A reception honoring Muse’s service and welcoming Sauter as the new faculty director for Service-Learning will be held from 3:30 to 5 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 21, in the Emeriti House, 2130 Summit Ave. All are invited to attend this event, which kicks off Service-Learning for 2009-10 at St. Thomas.
R.S.V.P. by e-mail to Katie Ngumba by Friday, Oct. 16.