EAGLE Award nominations due Friday
Is there someone on your staff who created an outstanding program? Do you have an excellent desk worker? Is your hall chaplin making a difference in residents’ lives? Nominate someone today for an EAGLE Award for the great work hee or she have done this year.
Each spring the St. Thomas Chapter of National Residence Hall Honorary (NRHH) sponsors the EAGLE (Experience A Greater Living Environment) Awards ceremony. These awards recognize the achievements of members of the residence hall population. They include the Soaring Eagle, Publication Eagle, Outstanding House Chair, and Outstanding Building Service Worker. Programming Awards are also given at this time.
To submit a nomination:
- Pick up a nomination form from the Koch desk or from the Office of Residence Life.
- Send an email to NominateEagle@gmail.com with the following information:
- The name of the nominee
- The EAGLE category of the nominee
- A description of the nominee
- Go to www.stthomas.edu/rha/nrhh to submit EAGLE Awards online.
All nominations are due by 4:30 p.m. Friday, April 18, online or under the RHA office door (Koch 108) .
For more information e-mail Jacalyn St. Dennis, NRHH President.