About 250 St. Thomas students, staff, faculty and community members attended the Eid Carnival on Saturday, June 16 on the St. Paul campus. The carnival celebrated the end of the Muslim holiday, Ramadan. Those attending were a diverse group of various ethnic, linguistic, and faith traditions.
Fr. Lawrence Blake, Director of the Center for Campus Ministry, emphasized Pope John Paul II’s call for being inclusive and the university’s commitment to the "Common Good." The event coordinator, Dr. Sadaf Shier, stressed that students from diverse backgrounds all contribute to the culture of the university and provide a continuous source of learning for each other.
The Eid Carnival was a collaborative effort of the Office for Campus Ministry, Office for Diversity and Inclusion, Diversity Activities Board, Office for International Student Services, Muslim Students Association and Saudi Student Association.

Attendees pose for photos at the Eid Carnival on Saturday, June 16, 2018.