The votes have been tallied, and Terry Lynn Eggert is the winner of the Acts of Kindness Award for February. The Acts of Kindness trophy has moved from Dede Hering’s office – the January winner – to Eggert’s space as operations manager in the Registrar’s Office.
Hering’s and Eggert’s photos are on display in the case outside the Grill and in the kiosk near the Arches on the St. Paul campus.
“Terry Lynn is a leader in creating a sense of celebration and community within the Registrar’s Office,” said her nominator.
“A staff member’s daughter was blessed with giving birth to twins and on the same day had her house burn down. Terry Lynn quickly stepped into action to work with the UST community on a drive to collect clothing, baby supplies and donations.
“She has worked tirelessly with others on campus to implement resources for veterans on campus.
“She also had the idea of having the Registrar’s Office serve our community by volunteering at Second Harvest Food Shelf.”
The Acts of Kindness Award is a traveling trophy that is presented each month. The UST community is invited to nominate a student, faculty or staff member, a UST organization or a department that has performed a kind act to make St. Thomas a better place to learn, work or live.
Nomination forms are available on the Acts of Kindness Web site; nomination deadline is the last Friday of the month.
The award is part of the UST Acts of Kindness Campaign, which identifies, promotes, supports and inspires acts of kindness across the UST community. The campaign was created by the Office for Mission and Edna Comedy, associate vice president of human resources.