Fire destroys Crosier community center in Agats, Indonesia

Fire destroys Crosier community center in Agats, Indonesia

The Crosier Fathers and Brothers community center in Agats, Indonesia, was destroyed by fire last Wednesday, Aug. 13. The building housed the chapel and served as a residence for Crosiers since 1964.

Father Tom Carkhuff, O.S.C., prior provincial of the Crosier Province in the United States, said "The impact of this fire is certainly felt deeply throughout the Agats community, but also reaches around the world."

This is certainly true for the University of St. Thomas. In 2007 the Catholic Diocese of Agats and the Crosier Fathers and Brothers donated the American Museum of Asmat Art collection to St. Thomas.

The Crosiers have established an Asmat Emergency Fund to raise money for immediate needs. More details about the fire and information about the fund is available at