The self-study team for the Higher Learning Commission (HLC) reaccreditation is pleased to share the first draft of our institutional audit. The audit will become part of the 2013 self-study.
Since November 2011, HLC subcommittees have been collecting evidence that speaks to the five criteria presented by the Higher Learning Commission. The institutional audit is the result of the committees’ work.
Because evidence from the audit will drive the recommendations phase of the process, it is crucial that the audit is accurate. We are, therefore, seeking input from the St. Thomas community.
As you read, please keep in mind that the document is a draft. Feedback we receive will be taken into consideration by the subcommittees as they prepare the final self-study. Please let us know if we’ve missed something or if we’ve gotten something wrong. You’re also, of course, welcome to share what we’ve gotten right; in addition, note that the audit revealed some areas that need attention; we are working on addressing those areas before our self-study is complete.
Take a look at the accreditation Reports and Resources page to view the HLC criteria, the draft of the institutional audit and a feedback form. In order to effectively track input, please provide your feedback in writing either through the feedback form or the HLC mailbox. We also will be hosting a series of open forums to discuss the draft. Details about those forums are included below.
We appreciate your taking time to review the audit and to be part of the reaccreditation process. It’s important to us that the process is an inclusive one. Your voice matters.
Open forums
- Monday, Nov. 19: 3-4 p.m., Terence Murphy Hall, Room 203, Minneapolis
- Tuesday, Nov. 20: 3:30-4:30 p.m., Anderson Student Center, Room 202, St. Paul
- Wednesday, Nov. 28: 8-9 a.m., Anderson Student Center, Room 202, St. Paul
- Thursday, Nov. 29: 2-3 p.m., Opus Hall, Room 417, Minneapolis