A mysterious red balloon affectionately follows a little boy around Paris. Inspired by Albert Lamorisse's classic 1956 short "The Red Balloon," the fluid, unparalleled elegance of Hou Hsiao-hsien's first French-language film finds grace in the simplest details, and gently discovers a Paris previously unseen. (Photo courtesy of New Yorker films.)
French section shows 'Le Voyage du ballon rouge' tonight
The French section invites the UST community to join it tonight for the fifth and final film of the Tournées Festival, "Le Voyage du ballon rouge" ("Flight of the red balloon").
The film will be shown at 7 p.m. Monday, Nov. 3, in the O’Shaughnessy Educational Center auditorium on the university's St. Paul campus. The film, subtitled in English, is free and open to the public. A reception will follow the showing.
A review of the film is available here.
Since its inception, the Tournées Festival has partnered with hundreds of universities and has made it possible for more than 300,000 students to discover French-language films. The French section of the university's Modern and Classical Languages Department was selected as a host institution and recipient of a Tournées grant, which provides critical financial support.
The Tournées Festival is made possible with the support of the Cultural Services of the French Embassy and the French Ministry of Culture, the Franco-American Cultural Fund, the St. Thomas Libraries-Media Resources Collection and the St. Thomas Department of Modern and Classical Languages, among others.
More information about the Tournées Festival can be found on the French American Cultural Exchange Web site.