Beginning today, new full-time freshman will be participating in a national study (CIRP) focused on incoming college students.
Conducted by the Higher Education Research Institute (HERI) at the University of California, Los Angeles, (UCLA), the survey asks for student opinions on many items relevant to the impact of college: expectations for college, academic habits and experiences, what influenced the choice of college, goals and values, etc. This survey provides the UST community with comparative data to understand and improve the experience of the university's undergraduate students.
UST last participated in this survey in 2008. The results of this survey are included in various publications and presentations made to students, faculty and staff. For an example of how Academic Affairs uses this information, visit Institutional Surveys on the Institutional Research and Analysis website.
To learn more about the CIRP, contact Mike Cogan, (651) 962-6657, or visit Institutional Surveys.