Hamline University biology professor to speak at Feb. 9 Biology Seminar
Dr. Betsy Martinez-Vaz, of the Hamline University Biology Department, will give the next UST Biology Seminar at 3 p.m. Friday, Feb. 9, in Room 313, O'Shaughnessy Science Hall.
Martinez-Vaz will give a presentation, "To What Extent Does the conservation of a Regulatory Protein Indicate the conservation of its Regulon? A Case Study With the Leucine Responsive Protein."
Over the past 10 years, advances in genomics have led to the sequencing and annotation of more than 200 microbial genomes. Although a wealth of biological information has been obtained from genome sequences, the extent to which sequence conservation determines functional conservation of a gene or a protein is still an open question. Martinez-Vaz will describe the use of DNA microarray technology to study the functional conservation of the Leucine Responsive Protein, the primary regulator of amino acid metabolism in bacteria.