Hazardous materials removal begins Monday from three buildings
From Physical Plant Services
Beginning Monday, April 20, a hazardous materials contractor will start removing caulk from the windows of Foley Theater as well as roofing materials from Foley Theater, the Physical Plant and the Physical Education Center.
These materials contain a small amount of asbestos. The contractor is licensed by the state to perform this work and will perform the work in accordance with applicable state and federal safety and environmental regulations. Workers performing the work will use industry-standard work practices and will be wearing respiratory protection. Limited use of a personnel lift also may be required. All removal activities will be monitored by an environmental consultant working directly for the university to ensure the project complies with accepted environmental health and safety standards.
During the work on the exterior of Foley Theater and the Physical Education Center it may be necessary to cordon off portions of the quad close to these buildings. The university administration would appreciate the campus’ cooperation in staying out of the cordoned-off areas when the work is taking place.
Questions or concerns regarding this project should be addressed to the Colin Brownlow, (651) 962-6533, the university’s director of environmental health and safety.