Dr. Yohuru Williams
Mark Brown/University of St. Thomas

In the News: Dr. Yohuru Williams Commentary on President’s Executive Orders About DEI

Dr. Yohuru Williams, the founding director of the Racial Justice Initiative at the University of St. Thomas, teamed up with adjunct faculty member and ODEI ambassador Sheree Curry for a commentary about President Trump’s executive orders centered on diversity, equity, and inclusion. It was published in the Minnesota Star Tribune.

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From the commentary:

“The executive orders conflate efforts to level the playing field with discriminatory practices. This perspective disregards the historical and systemic barriers that have long disadvantaged underrepresented and marginalized groups in accessing education, housing and advanced employment opportunities. DEI programs, by their very nature, aim to address these disparities by ensuring that talent, regardless of background, is given equitable opportunity to thrive – not by displacing merit, but by expanding the lens through which merit is evaluated.”

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