Mark Osler, professor at the University of St. Thomas School of Law, recently spoke with Our Sunday Visitor for a story about the dismissal of former President Trump’s case related to the alleged mishandling of classified government documents.

From the story:
But Mark Osler, a professor at the University of St. Thomas School of Law in Minneapolis, told OSV News he was surprised by the dismissal.
“Since the expiration of the independent counsel statute in 1999 after the Ken Starr investigation of Bill Clinton, the special counsel mechanism has been used for a variety of sensitive investigations that require a measure of remove from the DOJ’s normal practices and the ability to focus intensely on particularly important cases,” Osler said. “If the Supreme Court takes this case and agrees with Judge Cannon, we will lose an important tool to address some of the most sensitive cases on the federal docket. That would leave it to our dysfunctional Congress to try to revive something like the independent counsel legislation.”
Osler said Smith’s likely appeal could eventually be considered by the Supreme Court.