The National Catholic Register recently featured an article about The National Eucharist Pilgrimage, highlighting the University of St. Thomas College of Arts and Sciences – the proud home of the nation’s first-ever Catholic Studies Program.

From the story:
Five hundred miles farther back along the pilgrimage route, you can find another instance of Midwest Catholicism punching above its weight. Minnesota’s Twin Cities of St. Paul and Minneapolis have given rise to national ministries like Saint Paul’s Outreach and NET Ministries, and, at least at one point, had the most perpetual adoration chapels in the country.
The nation’s first-ever “Catholic Studies” program can be found at the archdiocesan University of St. Thomas, which the pilgrimage’s “Source and Summit Eucharistic Procession” will pass through on May 27 on its way to the Cathedral (and national shrine) of St. Paul. In fact, Modern Catholic Pilgrim, the apostolate helping to organize the entire National Eucharistic Pilgrimage, is also based in Minnesota’s capital city.