Kate Ostaffe, a recent graduate of the University of St. Thomas, wrote about finding her faith for an article that was published in The Catholic Spirit.

From the Story:
When I arrived at the University of St. Thomas in St. Paul, I found a community that was on fire for Christ. These people had a strong sense of identity and were full of so much joy; and I wanted that. I didn’t fully realize why I was drawn to them, but looking back on it now, it’s obvious. They loved me for who I was, even though I wasn’t Catholic. They supported me in seeking the truth and in following God’s plans for me, whether those plans included joining the Catholic Church. They helped me find answers and to take a leap of faith.
As I learned more about the Catholic Church, I struggled with a lot of her teachings (and to be honest, I still do). However, everything changed once I realized that Jesus truly is present in the Eucharist. I wanted to receive Jesus, which ultimately brought me into the Church. It certainly wasn’t an easy process – I went through OCIA twice before I decided to be confirmed – but Jesus was patient with me. Over the course of three years, he gently brought me out of the place of confusion I was in and called me to follow him.