Undergraduate students who have conducted collaborative research with a faculty mentor this summer are invited to present their work at the Inquiry at UST poster session on Tuesday, Sept. 21. The session will be held from 11:45 a.m. to 1 p.m. in the first-floor foyer, Owens Science Hall. Lunch will be provided.
Student presenters will receive a $50 stipend and a certificate of participation. Booklets containing the abstracts of the research projects will be distributed.
The application deadline is 4 p.m. Tuesday, Sept. 14. To apply for inclusion in the poster session, students should submit an abstract with the following information via e-mail to Dr. Vanca Schrunk:
- Name of student presenter(s)
- Title of research project
- Name of faculty mentor
- Project abstract of no more than 300 words
Poster specifications are available online (click on Inquiry at UST). Students also can view previous abstracts here. A booklet of students’ abstracts will be available on the Undergraduate Research and Collaborative Scholarships website a few days prior to the event.
For more information contact Schrunk, (651) 962-5740.