Ireland Library displays holy card 'exhibit' online
For many years, library staff at the Archbishop Ireland Memorial Library have set aside hundreds of holy cards. When discovered wedged into returned library books, most "found" holy cards, if harmless (bookmarks, scraps of paper, postcards, letters, receipts, etc.), are tossed into a box for eventual disposal – sometimes decades later.
Some are beautiful (handmade paper lace cards, art nouveau, art deco, Italian and German chromolithographs), some have local associations (ordinations, funerals and anniversaries), some are odd, many are touching. All of the cards have a wonderful immediacy and embody popular piety in the very best sense of the word.
With the success of photo sharing on the Web, Ireland Library now has an opportunity to share some cards with you. Visit the online exhibit of these cards: Holy Cards as Objets Trouvés.
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UST Libraries still seeking UST faculty authors for exhibit
Library Week is April 13-17. During this week, the library staff again will showcase faculty research. If you have had books, chapters, articles, software, CDs, DVDs or any other media published during 2008-09, send or bring your publications to Susan Price, reference librarian, O'Shaughnessy-Frey Library Center, by Friday, March 27.
This exhibit provides an opportunity to highlight your work and have the community recognize your scholarship. On April 16, the library staff will hold a special reception in connection with the display at 4 p.m. in the O'Shaughnessy-Frey Library Center.
For more information call Julie Kimlinger, (651) 962-5014, or Price, (651) 962-5011.