IRT to replace Central Systems NAS devices
From Information Resources and Technologies
The network attached storage (NAS) appliances used with some of the largest central systems servers will be replaced beginning Friday, July 17.
Currently, the university is leasing OnStor Bobcat NAS devices to store files on the Deptstore1, Deptstore2, Acadstore1 and MyStorage servers. As the lease expires on the OnStor Bobcat appliances, they are being replaced with industry leading NetApp machines. The NetApp machines offer a proven track of high reliability, high redundancy and easy maintenance, resulting in less downtime over the life of the appliance.
One additional advantage that the NetApp appliance has over the current system is a built-in process to minimize and/or eliminate duplicate files on the servers. The NetApp devices can recognize duplicate files and choose to save only one copy. This "de-duplication" of redundant files not only allows for better organization of data but also saves disk spaces on the server.
"There shouldn't be any noticeable effects prior to the transition on the 17th," said Eric Tornoe, IT technical operations manager, "as users will be accessing live data via the Bobcat appliances until they are actually shut down. Then, they will resume accessing the same data via the NetApp boxes once the new appliances come up."
The equipment replacements will occur outside of standard business hours:
- Deptstore1, Acadstore1 and MyStorage will be down at 5 p.m. Friday, July 17, and come back online by 8 a.m. Monday, July 20.
- Deptstore2 will be down at 5 p.m. Monday, July 20, and come back online by 8 a.m. Tuesday, July 21.
For more information about this transition, contact the IRT Tech Desk using the online form or other options listed on the IRT Web page.