It's Brain Awareness Week
Neuroscience students in biology and psychology courses will be participating in National Brain Awareness Week (March 12-18) by promoting brain-based activities at St. Thomas.
- Students from Physiological Psychology (PSYC 401) will be teaching units on the brain, senses, motor control and neuron to three middle-school and high-school classes at the Interdistrict Downtown School in Minneapolis Thursday, March 15.
- Students from Neurobiology (BIOL 354) are preparing Web announcements of brain-based human neurophysiology and behavior that will be available to the UST community throughout the week.
- The Owens Coffee Cart, Beakers, will feature brain-related trivia questions for discounts on brain-stimulating beverages (a.k.a., coffee) throughout the week.
- Raye Black of the Brain Injury Association of Minnesota will discuss “Multicultural Perspectives on Brain Injury” in a 4 p.m. lecture Monday, March 12, in 3M Auditorium of Owens Science Hall. Read more about him in the March 7 issue of Bulletin Today.
- On Thursday, March 15, students will be carpooling to White Bear Lake to hear Harvard neuroscientist Dr. Steven Pinker's lecture on "Language as a Window into Human Nature.” (Lecture is 7 to 8:30 p.m. in the West Campus Theatre, Century College ). For more information about this event, please e-mail Roxanne Prichard in the Psychology Department.
Encourage your own brain to pay special attention during Brain Awareness Week – and persuade it to participate in the week's activities!