Plow those winter blues right into a snow bank by refreshing your skills at the Leadership Academy. The Leadership Academy will hold classes in February to help you feel refreshed and ready for spring semester. Visit the Leadership Academy website for a complete listing of workshops.
Among the courses offered:
I’m a Supervisor but I’m Not Sure I Know How to Be Successful in This Role
For managers and supervisors on Tuesday, Feb. 15. Learn strategies to become a more effective supervisor, including how to motivate and provide meaningful praise and timely feedback. This workshop, for both new and seasoned supervisors, will examine some of the biggest mistakes supervisors make – and how to avoid repeating them.
Hiring Seminar: Making it Legal, Ethical and Effective
For managers and supervisors who are responsible for hiring at St. Thomas. During this interactive three-hour workshop on Friday, Feb. 18, participants will learn how to hire legally, ethically and effectively.
Greening Your Office
Greening Your Office will be offered on Wednesday, Feb. 2. The discussion will assist you in making your office more environmentally sustainable. Learn useful concepts to help create a workplace that uses resources wisely and creates less waste. Anyone interested in making sustainability changes should attend.
Virtues and Vocations
Virtues and Vocations will be offered on the Minneapolis campus on Thursday, Feb. 10, and on the St. Paul campus Tuesday, Feb. 22. Discover the value of incorporating virtue as a model and measure of living personally and professionally. Explore and reflect upon the three theological (faith, hope and charity) and four cardinal virtues (prudence, justice, temperance and fortitude), and appreciate more fully the fresco depictions of the virtues in Terrence Murphy Hall.
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These are just a few of the professional development opportunities designed to assist you in fulfilling your personal and professional goals. Leadership Academy staff members encourage excellence, and foster growth and development at all levels at St. Thomas. Staff members believe that learning is a lifelong commitment and a door to future greatness.