Library today: Can't wait to begin spring cleaning?
From UST Libraries
Do you have books you would like to donate to the UST National Library Week book sale? Library staff will accept literary classics, novels, biographies, self-help books, cookbooks, children's books, theology, history, travel, mystery, etc.
Between now and Friday, April 11, bring those nice but no-longer-wanted books to the circulation desk on Level 1, of the O'Shaughnessy-Frey Library Center. If you are on the Minneapolis campus, you may drop off donated books at the Charles J. Keffer Library circulation desk.
Then mark your calendars for the UST National Library Week book sales during the week of April 14-18.
If you have questions, call Julie, (651) 962-5014.
Database trials
The following research databases are currently on trial via the UST Libraries Web page – your feedback is appreciated.
- Oxford Scholarship Online is a groundbreaking online resource, combining core scholarly books in 13 subject areas: economics and finance, political science, religion, philosophy, literature, history, classics, psychology, linguistics, physics, mathematics, biology, and business and management. The trial ends April 4. Send comments to Jan Malcheski.
- The Religion and Philosophy Collection database provides extensive coverage of topics such as world religions, major denominations, biblical studies, religious history, epistemology, political philosophy, philosophy of language, moral philosophy and the history of philosophy. The trial ends April 7. Send comments to Malcheski.