UST Libraries would appreciate feedback on the following research files that are available on the UST Libraries Trial Databases Web page:
The Guardian and The Observer (1791-2003): ProQuest’s digital archive of the British newspapers, The Guardian (1821-2003) and its sister paper The Observer (1791-2003), give readers online access to facts, firsthand accounts and opinions of the day about the most significant and fascinating political, business, sports, literary and entertainment events from the past 200 years.
Call (651) 962-5467 for the password. Send comments to Ann Keene. The trial ends Monday, Nov. 30.
PsychiatryOnline: Published by the American Psychiatric Association’s publishing arm, PsychiatryOnline includes: the DSM-IV-TR, all of the previous DSMs, the case studies, the Clinical Textbook, five journals published by the American Psychiatric Association, books on psychopharmacology, several textbooks on psychiatry and psychotherapy and cross-referencing links among them. This database is the place to learn about the DSM and its interpretation. All material can be downloaded to a PDA or phone.
Send comments to Merrie Davidson. The trial ends Thursday, Nov. 26.