Luann Dummer Center for Women announces 2009-10 grant recipients
The Luann Dummer Center for Women announces its 2009-10 recipients of undergraduate and graduate fellowships for the research they will conduct on topics related to girls or women.
Proposals were accepted from students in all academic disciplines who will be juniors or seniors during the year of the fellowship. Students who applied had to secure a faculty sponsor; present research questions and goals, along with a timetable; demonstrate knowledge of current literature and research methods; and indicate how the proposed research fits into their development as a research scholar. The grant recipients can complete their research during the 2009-10 academic year, or during the summer of 2009.
The undergraduate recipients are:
- Mai Cha Vang, "Plastic Surgery and Westernized Beauty: Women in South Korea," faculty adviser is Dr. Britain Scott, Psychology
- Alexandria Johnson, "People Who Need People: An Examination of the Role Social Support Plays for Musicians Surviving Breast Cancer," faculty adviser is Dr. Jean Giebenhain, Psychology
Research for the graduate fellowship may be conducted as part of a course, a thesis or a dissertation, or it may be conducted as a credit or noncredit independent study. The student must have a faculty sponsor to guide the project and support the application. The research fellows will submit a formal research report and present the work at an event in the Luann Dummer Center for Women during spring semester 2010.
The graduate recipients are:
- Shannon Scott, "Terrifying Transformations: the Werewolf and the New Woman in Late Victorian British Literature," faculty adviser is Alexis Easley, English
- Elizabeth Henderson and Amy Nygaard, "Beyond Biography: Gender and Cultural Identity in the Work of Frida Kahlo," faculty adviser is Dr. Heather Shirey, Art History